About the GFTU Educational Trust
GFTU Educational Trust (GFTUET) believes in education to support lasting change in the lives of workers.
The GFTU Educational Trust:
- Provides education for the trade-union movement, wider working class and young workers.
- Develops and delivers learner-centred training, education and mentoring for workers, trade-union reps and officers focused on challenging economic inequality, racism and sexism and strengthening rights at work.
- Develops skills and knowledge through education and training programmes through our work with trade unions and other partners.
- Supports trade unions to develop best practice in education.
We all learn differently and at the GFTU Educational Trust, we pride ourselves on providing topical and thought-provoking learning opportunities, which are sometimes beyond the classroom, such as a conference or live performance.
Knowledge is powerful and through learning, we develop understanding that stays with us, enabling us to be empowered to make a difference, to make more informed choices and support others to make a difference for themselves, their union, family, and communities.
There is something for everyone who is already active or wants to become active in their trade union. Our aim is to inspire, educate and support trade union activists across the UK and beyond.
You may be a new union member just finding out about how to get more involved in your union or a seasoned activist, a full-time union officer, or possibly something in between.