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Roots of Racism

About The Course

The course will be led by the prominent trade unionist Roger McKenzie, who has an extensive experience of work on race equality issues and, in particular in building Black self-organised structures within the trade union movement. Roger is former Assistant General Secretary of Unison, former Regional Secretary TUC, former Race Equality Officer TUC, former Race Equality Officer PCS, former Trade Union studies lecturer at Manchester College and Northeast London College.

We will be looking at understanding the context of racism and where it comes from, the rise and mainstreaming of the far right, as well as challenging racism in the workplace and the community.  

All pupils are provided with a Google Classroom of materials. 

Register For Course


GFTU Quorn Grange

Course Dates

Spring Term: 21st – 22nd July 2025


Application Deadlines

7th July 2025


For Affiliates: FREE
For Non-affiliates: £200