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Lugalbanda – Lover of the Seed
- £5.00
- Beautifully designed, printed and written with some stimulating discussion notes, this book is a fund-raiser for the Free Ocalan campaign. It brings to the attention of a modern readers a poem written 5,000 years ago but still with incredible relevance to us today. The imprisoned political leader Abdullah Ocalan draws attention to the first Sumerian civilization built between the Tigris…
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Maduro: A decade of continuing Chávez’s socialist anti-imperialist struggle
- £2.00
- Venezuela Solidarity Campaign Secretary and Latin American expert Francisco Dominguez looks at the progress Venezuela has made under a decade of Maduro’s leadership. Free Postage
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Miners’ Next Step
- £4.50
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My Life’s Battles
- £5.00
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Our Trade Unions, What Comes Next After The Summer Of 2022?
- £15.99
- Nigel Flanagan brings to the question of organising a sharp and critical analysis of the problems thrown up in the new world of work. The hot summer of 2022 anticipated an even hotter autumn. Railway workers, post and telecom staff, train drivers, teachers, health workers, higher education staff all took their place in a wave of strike ballots and –…
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Rise Like Lions
- £5.00
- About the Author William Ash was born in Texas but fought as a Spitfire pilot in the Second World War before spending three years in a German prisoner-of-war camp. His repeated attempts to escape made him one of the models for the character played by Steve McQueen in the film ‘The Great Escape’, and were chronicled in his bestselling memoir…
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Singing the Changes
- £12.50
- This book chronicles the songs of Dave Rogers, longstanding member of the Birmingham Banner Theatre. It chronicles 30 years of struggle and marks the Banner Theatre’s 30th Anniversary celebrations. The book is presented as 85 songs of resistance and celebration, spanning over three decades of events. Interspersed between the songs are concise, informative historical accounts of the events themselves recalled…
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Speaking Tools – Poems 1975 to 2005
- £5.00
- Poetry: fierce, passionate, tender, political, lyrical and well-crafted. Poetry restored to its place in the struggle for social change. Poetry for poetry addicts and the general reader. Writing within the great tradition of progressive literature from Langland to MacDiarmid,Doug Nicholls restores poetry to its public place and hertage in political and philosophical debate. These poems reflect thirty years of recent…
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The Commonwealth of Britain
- £8.99
- Doug Nicholls was first elected as a trade union General Secretary in 1987 and retired as General Secretary of the General Federation of Trade Unions in 2023 as the longest serving union secretary of his generation. This collection celebrates Britain’s red thread of progressive thinking from the early concepts of an egalitarian commonwealth, to the actual first republic, and the…
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The Cost of Living Crisis (and how to get out of it)
- Original price was: £7.99.£6.00Current price is: £6.00.
- We are living through a cost of living crisis, with interest rate hikes and the prices of everyday consumables and energy bills sky-rocketing. Why is this happening? Sometimes we are told that wages are too high, or that the government has “printed” too much money, or that events far away, such as the war in Ukraine, are solely to blame.…
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The Many Not The Few
- £9.99
- An illustrated history of Britain shaped by the people A union rep and his granddaughter discuss the history of the labour movement, from the 14th century right up to today. Sean Michael Wilson has done a brilliant job assembling his workers’ manifesto, with the stoic assistance of historical advisor Doug Nicholls. Robert Brown’s simple, straightforward no-nonsense black and white art…
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The RTP Downsized
- £5.00
- Glasgow writer/musician Martin Chomsky set about the daunting task of downsizing Robert Tressell’s classic The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist into a graphic novel in order to bring the story and its important message to younger readers. Free Postage
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